3. Gather Step Advantages

Some of the advantages of Zero Step are clearly observed in these four actions, which are broken down below:

In Motion

In this first action we will see how the new regulation is applied in an action that has generated disadvantages of the FIBA ​​Basketball with respect to the NBA Basketball.

Vertical Reception

In this second action, the interior player receives from roll to stop in two times and extension to the basket. Another action greatly benefited and that must be considered.


This third action consists of analysing how the technical gesture on the reverse will be one of the great beneficiaries of this rule. Let’s see in the video:

Shooting Actions

The last action is from exterior players normally before the shot, to develop new possibilities in their stops. Let’s see them:
Undoubtedly there are 4 examples that can open the debate and that help us to start with the full analysis of the rule, with which we can discover another mountain of beneficial situations. So far this was the free part of the course, now is the time of the exclusive part. We are sure that you will be very satisfied when you finish it. We have made a huge effort in developing a very complete course so that you can significantly improve your level, your knowledge and application of the rule. Investing in your training is something that makes you special from the rest.
Remember that when you acquire the course you will have: – Full course of Expert in Zero Step with 30 Units – Certificate Diploma – 101 hours of certified training – 4 ECTS credits certified – Access to almost 100 exclusive videos about zero step – Insignia of excellence if you finish with more than a 9 out of 10 points the course – Multimedia book summary with course keys, is received upon completion along with the certificate. – Access to our newsletters with all the information to improve your game and your training, and if you are a coach in your training and professionalism. – Priority access to promotions and discounts that are made in the training experiences.

If you are ready, you only have to add this course to the cart by clicking on this button or from this page.

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